Accessibility Confident Employers (ACE) Project

Sea Change CoLab is pleased to offer the Accessibility Confident Employers (ACE) Project, engaging employers across Nova Scotia to address accessibility barriers. We aim to enhance accessible recruitment, hiring, retention, and advancement of people who identify as Deaf, Neurodivergent, and/or having a disability. Our series of free learning resources targets a range of sectors in Nova Scotia including businesses, public service organizations, and the impact (non-profit) sector.

Resource Hub


Resource Hub
Are you looking to make your organization more accessible and inclusive? Our library of free resources and training will give you the tools you need to move to the next stage in your journey.

We offer a suite of free trainings: on demand, blended, virtual, and in person.

Theory of Change

Vision: Full and equitable access to employment for persons with disabilities in Nova
● Lack of information and awareness about the rights and needs of persons with disabilities.
● Lack of confidence to hire individuals with disabilities.
● Limited support for changing practices in workplaces.
● Build awareness and capacity among employers through workshops and training.
● Identify and share wise practices employers are using to recruit, retain
and advance persons with disabilities.
● Support employer-led peer-to peer networking, mentoring, and information-
sharing to foster accessible and inclusive workplaces.
Enabling Conditions
● Connection to and engagement with employers.
● Relationships and collaboration with others working in accessibility and inclusion.
● Use of principles of adult education and universal design for learning.
● Employers empowered to make changes in their workplace.
● Increased knowledge and awareness about how to recruit and retain employees
with disabilities and the benefits of doing so.
● Greater capacity for leadership and guidance on fostering accessible and
inclusive workplaces.
● More workplaces implement wise practices for inclusion and accessibility.
● More workplaces that hire, retain, and advance persons with disabilities.
● Improved culture of accessibility and inclusion in workplaces.