This searchable resource hub focuses on accessibility training, resources, funding, tip sheets, and guidebooks.
Working With Abilities
This online course gives practical information and advice to support employers’ accommodation of persons with disabilities, building inclusion and respect for them in all workplaces in Nova Scotia. Launch the course by clicking on ‘begin’...
Accessible Recruitment and Hiring Tip Sheet
This tip sheet explores the core skills of accessible recruitment and hiring.
Erika Shea- New Dawn Tangible Accessibility Practices
This video (4:36) features Erika Shea of New Dawn Enterprises
How do accommodations work (or not)?
This blog defines accommodation, its importance, and looks at a specific example about an office where everyone works together in a big, open room.
Guide to Planning Accessible Meetings and Events
This resource was created by the Nova Scotia Accessibility Directorate. This guide provides an an overview of considerations and helpful checklists when planning an event, including scheduling, the venue, promotions, communications, and accommodations.
Building an Inclusive Future: NSCC’s Approach to Accessibility
This blog shares how the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) is taking a proactive and collaborative approach to foster accessibility.
Ursula Mogensen- ADHD
This video (6:11) features Ursula Mogensen, a non-binary human with ADHD. Ursula shares the barriers they face and the impacts when spaces and processes are accessible.
Corrie’s Disability Autobiography
This blog explores Corrie Melanson’s disability autobiography.
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on job accommodations and disability employment issues. Serving customers across the United States and around the world for more than...