Learning and Facilitation

We create and host unique learning and facilitation experiences that break free from the usual.

Customized Learning Solutions

We craft customized learning experiences that align with your organization’s objectives. From dynamic training sessions to interactive workshops, we foster your team’s growth, elevate leadership capabilities, and cultivate collective success.

Our Impact

facilitator training courses
design for everyone

Awareness and Capacity-Building

Nova Scotia’s Post-Secondary Accessibility Framework established a shared vision and commitments for accessibility in Nova Scotia’s post-secondary sector. Sea Change is leading the process to identify tensions and opportunities in post-secondary accessibility services; build a shared vision to increase the capacity of leaders, faculty, and staff; and create consistent and comprehensive resources to accelerate awareness and capacity.


Research and Knowledge Mobilization

The Family-Centered and Trauma-Informed Responses to Gender-Based Violence in Nova Scotia project builds on previous research to provide strategic, evidence-based recommendations and strategies. Sea Change is playing a key role to facilitate multi-stakeholder learning events, create and implement a knowledge mobilization plan, and offer strategic advice to the research team.


Customer Service Strategy and Development

Sea Change led the development of a customer service strategy for the Registrar’s Office at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Focus groups with more than 100 staff members across multiple teams identified barriers, strengths, and opportunities for training and continuous improvement. We created four online learning modules including Service Mindset, Professional Communication, Intercultural Communication, and Stress & Time Management.

Transformational Facilitation Experiences

We create and host unique facilitation experiences that break free from the usual. Our methods aim to get people talking, participating actively, and achieving real, measurable results. We’re big on making sure everyone’s voice counts—we aim to create spaces where everyone feels valued and heard. Using fresh techniques and interactive sessions, our goal is to make a lasting difference for each person and help your organization reach its big goals.

Our Impact

facilitator training courses

Online Skill Builders

Sea Change supported national non-profit WinSETT (Women in Science, Engineering, Trades and Technology) to shift seven of its 12 Leadership Skill Builder sessions from in-person to online interactive sessions. The sessions are led by a professional WinSETT facilitator and include discussion, custom training videos, self-reflection, and experience-based learning.


Blended Modules: Trauma-Informed Healing

Non-profit Alice House provides safe second-stage housing and supportive counselling for women and children in Nova Scotia. Sea Change created 12 self-paced modules for women who have experienced violence, supporting the shift from paper modules to online blended learning. Through anonymous audio stories, program graduates share the impact the training had on their lives. Videos with closed captions, infographics, reflections, and worksheets are integrated into all modules.

Self-Paced Modules: Transforming Practice — Learning Equity, Learning Excellence

Sea Change researched and created 10 self-paced Open Educational Resource (OER) modules for faculty and staff across Nova Scotia’s 11 post-secondary institutions. These modules support faculty and student services professionals to enhance their professional practice and advance an ongoing commitment to creating equitable and innovative learning experiences for all students.

The Benefits of the People’s Trust: collaboration with Village Sound Inc. and the Haisla Nation Council.

Sea Change worked in collaboration with Village Sound Inc. and the Haisla Nation Council in BC to create a video focused on the benefits of the People’s Trust, a community trust fund.